Our beliefs define our reality.

I'm currently offering sessions on a pay-what-you-can basis to help you start to implement the changes desired in your life.

Releasing internal blocks and shifting our beliefs can lead to great leaps forward. As a certified Compassion Key practitioner, I help others through the application of self-directed compassion, guiding clients through a process to help heal their inner child and release the blocks that may be holding them back from embracing their greatness. 

I also offer guided meditations and will continue to expand my offerings with classes and more! 

See what I offer!

About Charlie

Queer, Trans, Neurodivergent, and Spiritual, I'm on a path of light, and here to help others live their most authentic life. 

Knowing yourself isn't always the easiest path, nor is it always a straight line. I didn't know I was trans when I was very young, I just knew that I wanted to be a girl. Something felt off when the boys and girls were separated and I didn't get to go with the girls. When puberty hit, it was awful...the changes that began to take place felt so completely wrong. There wasn't really a language for it at the time. I just knew I wanted to be a girl. I spend many hours wishing, praying, hoping beyond hope that somehow I could be a girl. But at the time, for me, it was impossible. 

By high school, I had given up. Without a support system, I didn't have a means of doing anything about it, and did not feel I could trust my young parents, peers, or society to provide the care I needed. So I gave up. I adopted a new name, and tried to force masculinity where there was none.

For decades, I tried to live as someone I was not. I had worn the mask of the person I tried to be for so long that I had hidden my truth even from myself, but there were always signs. At 46 I finally accepted my reality, and in so doing, memories flooded back in, and my life made sense.

But my being a trans woman is only one aspect of my reality, and in many ways, it's not even the most interesting. To me, it feels quite normal, even within a society that does not fully accept me. While some people take on active roles in the fight for trans rights, my work has become one that is more internal, both for myself and others.

My Focus For Personal Growth


Being mindful of our mindset can be a powerful way to navigate our lives. Awareness brings options. Becoming aware of our mindset allows us to gain greater mastery of self.

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All that we desire is available to us. We are all manifesting all the time, however, accessing that which we truly desire can be elusive, especially when we maintain a sense of lack.

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Our lives may be filled with the hustle and bustle of life, but when we can slow down and be still, we can more easily access information, guidance, and an inner sense of peace.

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My Spiritual Experiences

I believe in oneness, that we are all connected to the Divine, and that The Universe provides. 

When it comes to spiritual experiences, there are many and diverse ways these things appear to people, myself included. If my experiences aren't your experiences, that's okay. In my sharing of this side of me, at no point am I saying "this is the only way." 

As an intuitive and spiritually sensitive person, my mediumship has been that of feeling the presence of spirits. Mostly this has been about feeling a presence in relative proximity, and often for the recently crossed over, sometimes with a message. Being largely claircognizant and clairvoyant, I don't "see" beings in the same way that one would with their own eyes, but get a sense of knowing or an impression of an image. When there have been important messages to deliver, it has been like a push or a knock that gets a bit louder in the back of my mind until I acknowledge and share the message.

More recently, my channelling abilities have increased, starting with automatic writing. With pen in hand and paper in front of me, I can connect with my guides and my higher self, and just start writing. What comes out may be deep wisdoms or simple messages to help guide me in decisions and along my path. I have also begun to channel with my voice. When this happens, I do not go into a state of trance, and I am generally aware of what is coming through, though I may not remember it all when it has ended. It is more conversational in nature, and similarly with the writing, it comes through clearly when I stop trying to interpret the message, and simply let it flow. 

I know that some people will not understand or accept this, but I'm not here to prove anything to anyone, whether about my identity, spirituality, or anything else. I have had enough experiences that were confirmed via others with similar and powerful abilities in ways that I know with complete certainty, that there is more to this world than the four walls around us.