Unmasking Your Divinity

I offer a number of services to help people on their own path, be it spiritual or personal.  

Please see the brief description of each, and click the relevant booking link to engage with me. I recommend starting with an introductory meeting, let's talk about the direction you would like to go and plan a session to help you move forward in the direction you desire. 

Please note that I am not a physician, psychiatrist, or therapist, nor do I claim to be. I do not diagnose or treat, and strongly recommend having the support you need when working on deep personal issues. What I do is offer guidance as an intuitive related to certain spiritual matters I am attuned to, and do my loving best to use my experiences and techniques to act as a peer mentor.

I believe we are all on a journey to be our best selves, and that this work of helping others is part of that journey for me. For a limited time, my direct services are available on a pay what you can model. 

As part of my personal growth journey, ​​I study The Effortless Way as taught through the amazing legacy of Bob Proctor. This study group has played an instrumental role in my finding and becoming my mo​st authentic self, overcoming abundance blocks, and shifting paradigms. 

Participating in this study group has helped me to move forward and truly know and love myself in ways I never expected when I joined this commUNITY. 

I invite you to join me and Powerful Vibes Institute ​with a one-time FREE PASS to that same group. Come see the work we are doing for yourself, and tell them I sent you! 

Powerful Vibes
Study Group



BOOK A Session

Need a quick chat to figure out what type of session may fit best? Then this is the place to start. 

This is also a great option for anyone looking to sync up and exchange info after another meeting, such as the many Awkwardly Zen meetups and others I attend. 

One note though, while I will gladly share in the joy of the collective experience of being a Queer and Trans person, I simply will not hold space for anyone wishing to share their contrarian opinions about or want to debate the validity of my existence. Around here we value human life and will not entertain the opinions of the misinformed who have issues with someone existing.

Directed Compassion

BOOK A Session

Approximately 60 minute 1:1 session where we identify areas of focus and work through a process of directed self-compassion.

Using this process we work together to direct compassion to your inner and often younger self. This can help remove blockages, reframe limiting beliefs, and even get you moving into areas of wholeness, restoring a greater sense of clarity to your life.  

I am a level 1 certified practitioner of the Compassion Key process from Edward Mannix.

I'm currently offering sessions on a pay-what-you-can basis to help you start to implement the changes needed in your life.

Guided Meditation / Visualization

BOOK A Session

Approximately 30 minute 1:1 session where I help to guide you through a meditation and visualization process intended to calm your thoughts and open your mind. In this session you may also encounter or strengthen the connection to your guides, higher self, the Divine, or other intentions for the highest good as it represents itself to you. Part of our time together is also reserved for discussion of what you experienced. 

In addition to following a general plan based on the selected meditation (which you may choose at booking and we will review together), I use my intuition and guidance to direct the process. You bring the calm environment at your end where you can focus and meditate. It is recommended to set time aside before and after the session to allow some buffer from the energy of the world and day.  


Knowing Self 

Clearing & Safety 

  • Exploring Past Lives
  • Embracing Self
  • Connecting to Higher Self
  • Connecting to Guides 
  • Grounding 
  • Setting Safety
  • Sorting Thoughts
  • Clearing Energies
  • Growing Your Abilities
  • Visualize Your Desires
  • Cosmic Voyages
  • Increasing Your Energy 

Mediumship / Channeling

BOOK A Session

For years I knew I could feel the energy presence of others around us, and that what I was feeling were the energies of guardian angels, guides, and other spirits. It wasn't until very recently that I have recognized that some of the most impactful of these moments have been those times when it was in service to others, where I would at times be given brief messages to convey, such as feelings from loved ones. 

I have begun to intentionally practice channeling and mediumship in a way that extends beyond myself and those in close proximity. Sharing the blessing of contact with others has become an unexpected and powerful direction in my life and work to help align others with their true self. 

I have the utmost respect for the sensitive nature of this work, and wish to practice this this more as I continue to hone my abilities. Please book a session to help me practice!   

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